Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our Fourth Season is Underway

As usual, our fourth season of excavation at the Heckelman site began with the ceremonial "bulldozing of the transect."  Actually, this is a necessary means of removing the uninformative plow zone that covers the very informative features and post molds which have told us so much about this site over the last three years.  This year, we undertook the mechanical stripping of plow zone prior to the first day of the field school (June 14) to give us more time to prepare the site. 

One new addition this season was the setting of colored stakes to demarcate the various important structures that we have discovered.  We now have blue stakes outlining the oval enclosure, yellow stakes around Structure 2, the early Late Woodland house, and the pit house we found in 2009.  We even set out pretty pink stakes along two of the stockade lines bordering the Late Prehistoric period village settlement.  
This effort quickly proved its value today when we hosted a group of 25 teachers participating in a workshop sponsored by the Seneca County Soil and Water District.   This morning I gave an hour-long PowerPoint presentation on the Heckleman site to these same teachers in Attica, Ohio.   During the site tour, I think the staked outlines really helped illustrate the significance of what we have found so far.  At least they "prettyed-up" the site somewhat.

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