Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2010 Season Underway

On Monday, we began the 2010 field season in earnest by stripping a six meter wide by forty-five meter long transect across the location of the oval enclosure. We hired a local bulldozer operator to carefully strip the upper 15 to 20 cm of plow zone sediments across this transect in order to more efficiently look for features related to the enclosure.

Our plan is to shovel-shave the remaining plow zone deposits to expose the underlying subsoil, then search for features. Immediately after stripping, we covered the transect with sheet plastic to prevent the soil from drying out over the next few weeks.

Once the plow zone was completely removed, two three-meter by three-meter excavation units were laid out side by side at the west end of the transect. The floors of each excavation square were carefully troweled flat to reveal any organic feature stains.

Our first discovery was a clear line of post molds which ran in an oblique line across the eastern half of unit 508N 503E. This line could represent the wall of a structure or perhaps a stockade line. We were even more surprised to find a second line of post molds, running parallel to the first, in unit 511N 503 east. The image below shows the eastern line. More about these post lines later. Not a bad start for Week 1!